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你来参观. 韦伯狮子喷泉. 2017年6月1日. 大卫·B. 霍林

Public Radio Program '有充分的理由' Provides Largest Reach Ever for Virginia Public University Scholarship


近25年来, the public radio program "有充分的理由" has spotlighted the dynamic, collaborative research performed at Virginia's public universities.

The show's reach extends farther than ever.

Produced by the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities in Charlottesville since its inception, "有充分的理由" was added to the broadcast schedules of 25 public radio stations across the country in the past 12 months. A total of 68 stations now carry the show, which can be heard in 30 states and the District of Columbia.

除了, 276 individual programs were ordered and aired by other stations, including some of the largest public radio stations in the United States.

"It has been an incredible year for the program, and that's thanks to the incredible work that continues to be done at Virginia's public universities,莎拉·麦康奈尔说, “有充分理由”节目主持人."

在过去的12个月中, Old Dominion faculty members such as Avi Santo, associate professor of communication and theatre arts; Ray Toll, director of coastal resilience research; Gail Dodge, 物理学教授, 和伊姆提亚兹·哈比卜, 英语教授, have been interviewed by McConnell.

Santo discussed the groundbreaking "Birth of an Answer" multimedia product, produced as a response to the 100th anniversary of the controversial film "Birth of a Nation." Toll spoke about the Intergovernmental Pilot Project convened at Old Dominion to create a "whole of government, whole of community" approach to deal with the issues of sea level rise and recurrent flooding.

Dodge was interviewed about her efforts to attract more female students to study sciences like physics and engineering. And Habib discussed "Shakespeare 400 Years After," an ambitious collaborative project three years in the making at Old Dominion to focus attention on the enduring impact of William Shakespeare's life, 工作和时间.

"有充分的理由" was created in the early 1990s by three Virginia university administrators and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

Old Dominion President John R. Broderick was one of the show's founders. Then serving as the University's director of public relations, Broderick said higher education in the Commonwealth was struggling in a time of shrinking budgets.

"有充分的理由" was conceived as a novel way to showcase the dynamic research being conducted at Virginia's public universities, 他说. At first, the idea, which wasn't being done anywhere else in the country, was viewed skeptically.

But the public radio program quickly attracted believers.

"I remember when we had an Old Dominion physics professor in President James Koch's residence, going around and opening up the fridge and turning on lights, explaining how physics works in our everyday lives,布罗德里克说. "It was really engaging radio, and I remember thinking we're onto something here. I'm very happy that '有充分的理由' continues to be a vibrant program, being aired on more stations nationwide than ever."

本赛季, Old Dominion researchers are scheduled to speak about pollinating bees, sports referees and the indelible memories our musical heroes create for fans.

教师 members are encouraged to like the "有充分的理由" 脸谱网页面 并订阅 播客, where new shows are posted each week.

For more information about the show, including a list of the public radio stations where the program airs, 看到 "有充分的理由" website.



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